Friday, June 3, 2011

Graduation Dreams

I was reminded last night, of what opportunities are out there for SO many people, and yet, most squander those chances.
My 17 year old daughter, Tatum, graduated from high school last night.  Quite an event, and I couldn't be prouder that she graduated in white (top 10% of the graduating class) and was ranked 38 out of 620 students!  She is attending SDSU in the fall after mulling many choices. 
I watched as the 600+ students spoke of the future, their plans and their dreams, I was reminded that NONE of these options were open to Taylor because of her disabilities.
And I'm saddened to think of how many of these kids will jump on the treadmill of gaining money to buy useless things we're all told we need.
My hope is that all these kids will each realize their passion and pursue it with vigor.  

Graduating class of have many years in front of you....and all the attributes and TIME you need to achieve what you want.  Don't settle for meaningless pursuits.......remember the inspiration your felt on graduation night!

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